This is another quick & easy side. My biggest suggestion is to throw the margarine mixture into the microwave for about 15 seconds after put ingredients in the bowl. Makes it easier for both mixing and spreading.
Yields 8 servings.
212 calories per serving.
1 loaf of Italian bread
1/2 c margarine
2 cloves garlic, smashed
3 tsp parmesan
1 tsp basil
1 tsp oregano
Preheat oven to 350.
Slice loaf into 8ths but leave the bottom intact & set aside.
[It's very important not to slice through the bottom. It helps the flavor spread when baking!]
Mix margarine with garlic, parmesan, basil, & oregano & set aside.
[This is where I was saying to throw it in the microwave for 15 seconds.]
Take a length of foil & place loaf lengthwise on top.
Very gently, spread slices apart without breaking the bottom & spread with margarine mixture.
When all slices are covered, use any extra on top of the loaf.
Wrap up sides of foil & leave top uncovered; twist ends of foil.
Bake for 20 - 30 minutes.
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